- Evaluation begins as all lessons do with goal setting.
- The player is then ‘suited up’ in the MySwing 3D system and an analysis of how the student moves and what areas are most affecting their performance. This is used in conjunction with the TrackMan, video and forceplate data.
- With all this information Dan then creates a plan that is unique to your wants, goals and desires.
- Dan then begins to work through the changes, he evaluates the students pitching and short game.
- These changes are placed into a periodisation plan, first tackling the areas that will affect performance the most.
- If time permits then Dan will also evaluate your current putting and a plan of this will be employed.
- All lessons end with Dan creating video lesson notes, practice schedules and any drills necessary to maximise improvement.
- These will all be shared to the student via the CoachNow training space.